web page maker

By Industry or Segment

Our Segment Specific Solution Models (SSSM's) are designed to address non-systemic standalone issues. These include but are not limited to:  Transportation, environment, energy, access to economic opportunity, medical and health care, communications, technology and more.
Empowering people to solve problems ...

By Industry or Segment

Make your own website in a few clicks! Mobirise helps you cut down development time by providing you with a flexible website editor with a drag and drop interface. MobiRise Website Builder creates responsive, retina and mobile friendly websites in a few clicks. Mobirise is one of the easiest website development tools available today. It also gives you the freedom to develop as many websites as you like given the fact that it is a desktop app.

The Rational Data Industry Model (RDIM) consists of over 30 social entrepreneurial and non-profit organizations that produce the full architectural stack of the USM and PSM. Profits from RDI market opportunities go to serve the greater good by supporting ongoing development of solutions for people around the world. The USM & PSM address both 'systemic issues' (i.e., infrastructure, governance, institutional models, check and balance systems ) and set up a framework to address 'exacerbatory issues' which are predominately driven by human population growth (i.e., food security, clean water, economic opportunity). RDI supports over 60 unique revenue streams, in addition to its product and service offerings.

Segment Specific Solution Models

Our Segment Specific Solution Models (SSSM's) are designed to address non-systemic standalone issues. These include but are not limited to: food security, clean water access, environment, energy policy, access to economic opportunity, medical and health care and more.

Empowering people to solve problems ...

In addition to setting up an infrastructure through our new 3rd generation web technology to address root (systemic issues) and building solution models to deal with standalone non-systemic issues, this whole architecture is designed to empower people the world over to solve problems and provide pathways for creative action. Built right into this architecture is the capability to draw on and leverage the collective knowledge, wisdom, experience and understanding (CKWEU) of a global population.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

— Maimonides, Spanish Philosopher 1135 AD

We achieve this by in effect teaching people to fish by inviting people to go fishing with us ... and modeling tool and instrument use - or in the case of our metaphor presenting a filled out tackle box. From a practical standpoint this is as simple as signing onto the new layer, or engaging one of our guides or customer service representatives. This tackle box works on the individual, group, organization, businesses, governmental, planetary and inter-planetary levels for the most part we deliver this through our new 3rd generation web layer on the internet which reaches roughly 3 billion people worldwide.

Marlin Knecht

President of the Virtual Global Nation
CEO, Rational Data International, Inc.
Phone: (844) 897-8704 (USA)